Why we feel “distributors” are key to our success…

It is important to us that our customers feel like family and not just a customer. Distributors make this happen by regularly visiting and keeping in touch. We want every customer to completely trust in us and our distributors and to know that everything we do or say would be as if we were in their shoes. If they are successful then we are successful; it doesn’t work any other way.
On-Site Troubleshooting
When car quality becomes an issue, typically the first thing that gets the finger pointed at is the chemistry. There are many variables within a car wash that must work in harmoniously in order to put out a clean, shiny and dry vehicle. Many times it is not the chemical itself but rather an unforeseen change in the daily wash process. Having a trained chemical representative to be able to come and physically diagnose the issue with operator is key and this is the very reason we do not sell our products through a catalog.

Our distributors have staff in which their primary or sole focus and expertise is vehicle care. They are more than just a local warehouse of our chemistry. You will have their experience and knowledge at your fingers tips for not only proper setup of our chemistry and marketing of our up-grade products but also with servicing of equipment and assistance on how to improve your business along the way.